Propose research ideas


You can propose your research ideas here. If you have an interesting idea that you would like to share with other researchers, or you are eager to see the results but lack enough time/resource to realize it, you can suggest your idea here. Researchers who are interested can pursue the idea, discuss it with you and others, and, ideally, conduct related studies. Researchers who follow-up ideas shared in this forum should acknowledge the proposer and cite this dated document when publishing or presenting their work.

change the default DPARSF atlas

Submitted by masoud on

I am studying brain connectivity of children in age-range 7-18 years, and I want to use children atlas instead of DPARSF default atla.

I'm studying children's brain connectivity between the ages of 7 and 18 and want to use the children's atlas instead of the default DPARSF atlas. How can I import my desired atlas to DPARSF? What files and in what formats (e.g. .img of .nii) do I need to enter in this toolkit (DPARSF) for this purpose?

best regards


about proprecessing without smooth

Submitted by echoqiu77 on

Hi, I'm doing a research about difine several ROIs in a small region, such as PCC, and try to compare the releationship with eachother.

considering  the distance is close, I'm not sure the releationship is true or just because of the smooth to make these neighbor ROIs have similar activity.

do you think it would be help if I skip the step of smooth when I do the proprecessing?

thanks a lot!


about proprecessing without smooth

Submitted by echoqiu77 on

Hi, I'm doing a research about difine several ROIs in a small region, such as PCC, and try to compare the releationship with eachother.

considering  the distance is close, I'm not sure the releationship is true or just because of the smooth to make these neighbor ROIs have similar activity.

do you think it would be help if I skip the step of smooth when I do the proprecessing?

thanks a lot!