
Submitted by Lee on

        严老师及各位老师好,我有一些关于dipabi-net的疑问,希望各位老师能指导一下。之前学习做网络属性分析接触的是Gretna,现在在学习dpabi-net,我发现了两个软件有点不一样。在Gretna软件中进行网络分析,Sign of Matrix中sign可以选择positive,negative和absolute,但是在dpabi-net的Graph Theoretical Analysis模块中并没有类似的设置,所以我想请各位老师指导一下,在dpabi-net的Graph Theoretical Analysis模块中分析矩阵时,对于Sign of Matrix的正负值是如何处理的?是将负值设置为零,只计算取值为正的值?还是计算了绝对值?或者是保留了负值代入公式进行计算?希望各位老师能抽空给我指导指导,非常感谢~~~

How to solve: Error using gifti/save Too many input arguments

Submitted by YAN Chao-Gan on

When you are using DPABISurf, you may encounter: 

Error using gifti/save
Too many input arguments.

Error in y_Write (line 73)
   save(Header,OutName,'Base64Binary','RowMajorOrder'); %YAN Chao-Gan, 221208. freesurfer needs 'RowMajorOrder' %save(Header,OutName,'Base64Binary');

DPABI Harmonization: A Toolbox for Harmonizing Multi-site Brain Imaging for Big-data Era

Submitted by wanghanlin on

DPABI Harmonization is an open-source, user-friendly toolkit developed to address the challenge of integrating multi-site neuroimaging data in the pursuit of validity and reproducibility in research.

Custom Mask in DPABI Surf Statistical Analysis

Submitted by szyxxn on


Is it possible to use a custom mask file in DPABI Surf's statistical analysis? When running a two-sample t-test with a mask file I generated, I get the following error:

"As you didn't define SurfFiles, you can only use standard masks such as fsaverage5_lh_white.surf.gii"

This error persists even if I enable PALM with a "Surface File" and "Surface Area File".

Best regards



Submitted by yuyu on

老师,想请问一下,我在利用dpabi进行MixedEffectAnalysis分析时发现,当我对每一组fMRI数据添加对应协变量(年龄、性别、教育年限)时,跑出来的*_Interaction_F.nii为空白;添加对应协变量(性别、教育年限)不包括年龄时,跑出来的*_Interaction_F.nii图像文件值特别大,达到*10以上,全脑显著;不添加协变量时跑出来的*_Interaction_F.nii就是正常图像,想请问一下为什么,可以解决吗。以下是输入文件情况(  ),以及3种情况结果图

Fieldmap correction

Submitted by Jiechen on



我在使用最新版的dpabi进行field mapping的时候根据要求整理了数据,但是遇到了报错,不知道怎么解决。




错误使用 DPARSFA_run
索引超过数组元素的数量。索引不能超过 0。


出错 gui_mainfcn (第 95 行)


计算 UIControl Callback 时出错。

Question about ROI definition calculating functional connectivity

Submitted by DHLee on

Hi. I have a question about usage of DPARSFA. 

I am trying to calculated seed based FC, so I create a sphere ROI with a 4mm radius(I want to use MNI coordinates). 

I clicked the 'Define ROI ' button, enter the contents of (x y z radius  ex) 56 14 26 4) , and pressed the 'Run' button. 

However, in the Command window of Matlab, the sphere ROI center (18 71 50) was different from the coordinates I entered(56 14 26). (attached photo)

Which one is correct and how could I fix it? 

Thank you~