FC_FunImgARglobalCWF and FC_FunImgARCWF folders

Submitted by CHL on
Dear all,
I have a simple quedtion about the difference between FC_FunImgARglobalCWF and FC_FunImgARCWF folders.
If I'm correct, the former one, FC_FunImgARglobalCWF, is the result without regressing out GSR, and the latter one, FC_FunImgARCWF, is the result after regressing out GSR. 
Do I understand the contents of the folders correctly?
Best regards,
Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds (c_null_model_udn_sign) CHL


Dear all,

I get an error when using c_null_model_udn_sign to generate null models.

Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 697).

Data Sharing of the REST-meta-MDD Project from the DIRECT Consortium

Submitted by YAN Chao-Gan on

(Note: Part of the content of this post was adapted from the original DIRECT Psychoradiology paper (https://academic.oup.com/psyrad/article/2/1/32/6604754) and REST-meta-MDD PNAS paper (http://www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1900390116) under CC BY-NC-ND license.)


Submitted by treasure_girl on




             警告: 矩阵接近奇异值,或者缩放错误。结果可能不准确。RCOND =  1.724427e-09。

Error caused by running c_null_model_und_sign Chih-Hao

Dear All,

I get an error when I click "generate" in the Network Construction panel.

(The version of MATLAB is 2020b)

I try it several times, but it always happens, even when I don't click Calculate Graph Matrics and Raw Matrix.

To avoid any conflict between toolboxes, All toolboxes, but GraphVar, are removed.

I attach a picture for showing the details of my setting.

After GRF correction, significant clusters are larger

Submitted by Kaiyu Huang on




1)在Dpabi View的overlay里选定一张R.nii 图像 (这个界面的Nmax 和Nmin分别代表什么呢?我在两台不同电脑上打开同一个图,它出现的数字是不一样的)

2)在Overlay configure 输入P(0.05),df=5(sample size =7。 这里有点奇怪,df改为5后,accept了,但是重新点开‘df’,又是原来默认的数字,得改两遍才会变成我想要的那个数字。)


3)Cluster里那一栏选GRF,选定我自己的mask--- voxel p value (0.0214)----cluster p value(0.05)---- Two tailed----Compute


